Rehg Family Archive
Visitors of the Rehg Family Archive were invited to check out, borrow, and leave with any of the 11 heirloom garments from Carper’s maternal family. Carper checked out garments alongside visitors, and performed actions wearing items in a 24 hour livestream that was broadcast into the archive.

sometimes we lose track
of what our clothing means to others
in kindergarten I begged to wear
her Bart Simpson nightgown to school
she would not let me
Marion wore her sealskin cape
danced with Kenneth in his white tuxedo
Terri wore the same sealskin on a blind date
she got stood up because of it
Nancy never knew her father played football
until she found his letterman jacket hanging in his closet
a family
outlining many to make one body
a single point to focus on
the archive is hardware
the device to locate a body